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Sun Gait Trainer

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The Sun Gait Trainer is an assistive mobility device providing support around the person’s trunk and pelvis to enable standing and walking. It aims to enhance the users’ independence and helps them explore the world around them with confidence.


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The Sun Gait Trainer can be adjusted to 6 different heights and the armrest can be moved too. This means it can be used as child grows.

To meet the unique needs of each user, the Sun Gait Trainer equips with rotation angle handles & adjustable forearm platform.

The Sun Gait Trainer can be customized with handles, backrests, and headrests according to the user’s needs. Without installing the backrest, it can be used in anterior or posterior direction.

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The headrest provides stable and gentle support to the user’s head, allowing the user to maintain correct and comfortable position while walking.
Also, the headrest is crafted with antibacterial and breathable materials, providing a hygienic environment and preventing moisture buildup.


The handles provide supports and help the user to keep balance while walking. The handles can be set to different directions accommodating the user’s condition. The surface of the handles uses antibacterial, breathable and soft material, ensuring hygienic and comfortable for the user.

Forearm Platform

The platforms serve as forearm supports, allowing the user to rest their forearms comfortably while holding onto the trainer’s handles. The padded surfaces of the forearm platforms offer added comfort during walking and standing, reducing the pressure on the user’s arms and hands.


The backrest provides support to the user’s trunk during gait training, preventing backward falls. The backrest surface is made from antibacterial, breathable, and soft material, promoting cleanliness and ensuring the user’s comfort.

U Style Harness

The U style harness provides support to user’s upper body, helping the user maintain an upright posture and improving upper body control during walking and gait training. By securing the upper body area, the harness enhances the user’s stability and balance, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall walking confidence.

 * The U style harness and hip positioner need to be used with the backrest. They are not able to be attached to the frame directly.


Hip Positioner

The hip positioner provides support to the pelvis and hip area, helping the user maintain proper alignment and stability during walking and gait training exercises. The hip positioner is designed to fit comfortably and securely, providing the necessary support without impeding the user’s movement.

* The U style harness and hip positioner need to be used with the backrest. They are not able to be attached to the frame directly.